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I feel proud on announcing of another nomination to my blog , this time it’ liebester blogging award, i thank’s to be kind enough on passing this award to me. Feels proud and happy that somewhere to someone my writing is proving itself by giving them a good read. Which is what i always think before and after i write for the reader.

lets move on to the next bit…

So the rules…

1. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
2. Reveal your top 5 picks for the award and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3. Post the award on your blog.
4. Bask in the love from the most supportive people on the blogsphere – other bloggers.
5. And, best of all – have fun and spread the award and love and  karma.

now to spread the disease award…

1. M S Willz

2. Abeera Rashid

3.Four Blue Hills

4.Diamond thread


Thanks all and they all truly deserve the award. 🙂 cheers.


  1. congrats to nominees and congrats to you.

  2. Thank you Sahil Kahanna for comment and the Liebester Award nomination. It is my very first nomination of anything since I created my blog. I am humbled and grateful. Smiles all around. Now to figure this out. Thanks again!

    1. All the best to you, and i wish i can keep getting pearls of writing from you always 🙂

  3. Congrats!! I think it is wonderful you have received the award! Well done!

  4. Thank you for nominating my blog too! I am honored!

    1. Anytime. you deserved it.

  5. congrats i have nominated you for the candle light award… 😀 for more info…

    candle light award…

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