amazon love

The place where heaven met earth,
For me and you, was Amazon ;

Where the sun settled to the full,
The moon raised to a new level;

Flowers that blossomed,
Came to a halt and then slept in;

Like our lives folded in each others arms,
We felt that stage when our hearts matched that beat,
And you said to me, life will never stop until you skip this beat;

I smiled and looked up in the sky,
To make my eye roll back the tear I hide,
The tear which came,
When I became so happy as i can,
On having you by the side for my life;

You asked me then, why you love me so much,
i replied because you are my love;

Sun arose the next morning,
With the hearts still matching that beat,
Flowers blossomed again,
And I believed we passed an age
While being in each others arms;

The next moment , you had to leave
For a call you got,
I said you stay,
You replied it’s urgent,
i agreed and then you left;

Days passed and you didn’t replied to my calls,
i got worried whether you alright or had something gone wrong,

But suddenly one day you came with another hand in your hand,
And you went through me, without giving me back any look,

I thought and asked first to myself ,
“Where and what I did wrong , I loved her so much I can’t have done it wrong”;

I checked and thought,
Still I found no path to follow,
That will lead me to your ignorance, through this dense phase of my life;

Later I found you in his arms and ,
Couldn’t resist to ask why,
You replied nothing but left and
Said while going away, “you didn’t deserve me ‘n’ my life”;

And it’s today I don’t ask you why again, but just
Want to confirm that,
Baby, we did skipped our beat which was matched the time we met,
Now how can I be living when you left and that matched beat is all alone again.



  1. silverlining09 · · Reply

    More power to your poetry!

  2. Your poem is very, very beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks a lot for liking it and giving it a read. 🙂

  3. Lovely, especially liked the ‘Like our lives folded in each others arms’ line!

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